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Templo Dragón

Templo Disidente de la Tradición Nativista Correlliana, de la Religión Wicca; en el Mundo Entero

Blog posts : "Correlliangate"

Lista de Acusaciones - Scroll of Charges



Donald L.:

  1. Asegurar que Él es la Iglesia
  2. Abusar económicamente de mujeres que estaban dispuestas a ayudarlo representándose él siempre como una falsa víctima que necesitaba ayuda económica para sobrevivir (sin trabajar)
  3. Considerar a la Tradición como su terreno de juego

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Follow the money - Discover the financial abuses


These 2 Grifter Kings got around 120.000 USD (estimated) (in 8 years) only from 2 women.


Here is the file Stephanie refers to in the messages below.  The summary was from Paypal annual summary from 2017 - present (2023).  Apparently I cannot upload the file so here i…

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Una voz silenciada en el pasado da un paso al frente

(Muchas gracias a nuestro hermano Eduardo)
"Hice esta traducción y creo que es lo más fidedigna posible".
- Eduardo O.

Saludos, bendiciones brillantes ¡y feliz día de la fundación!

Para aquellos de ustedes que no me recuerdan, soy M. Rev. Davron Michae…

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A silenced voice from the past comes forward

Greetings, Brightest Blessings, and Happy Founding Day!
For those of you who don’t remember me, I am M. Rev. Davron Michaels, Arch Priest and CEO of the New Aeon Church International, the original Correllian Nativist Church. I am also one of the founders and former Presidents of Wi…

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Just the Facts - Hoopeston Illinois


They'll tell you that I'm fanatic -- of Truth and Justice, I am. I'm going to leave this here, as it is part of an ongoing investigation, and we'll come back to it later. The fact many things happened years, decades, ago (Chicago, Hoopeston, Salem, etc.) doesn't make these things less true or …

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WitchSchool . com World's Largest Witch School for Sale


We're saving a copy of this PAGE, just in case someone wants to delete it (common practice). We'll be talking about this soon.

WitchSchool . com World's Largest Witch School for Sale

Plus Minispells, Tarot College, Magick TV Good Earnings


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Christian Day named Honorary Third Degree Priest with Elder Status at the Correllian Tradition, by The Prince of Faith, Ed Hubbard

Words from Christian Day:
August 22nd of 2023:
Apparently, much of the Corellian tradition is discovering, for the first time, that neither Donald Lewis nor anyone else in that organization has any power at all, no matter what the by-laws say. The ghastly Ed Hubbard has alwa…

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Los ancestros me dijeron que te baneara del grupo


Debido entre otras cosas al silencio, pero sobre todo: a la falta de respeto de los golpistas hacia todas las voces que exigían un mínimo de respuestas y soluciones, y quizá aún más grave, debido a que AlyPhoe y compañía comenzaron a utilizar a los Ancestros como excusa para prácticamente tod…

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Resignation - From the Office of Ayra Alseret

Con muchísimo dolor, tristeza y decepción,  Lady Laurie, te escribo para que me des de baja de la Tradición Correlliana. Han sido muchos años de trabajo y esfuerzo que ahora deben quedar atrás. Las razones para solicitar mi baja son obvias: no puedo permanecer en un grupo antidemocrático, sectario y…

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Cisma Correlliano / Correllian Schism


Aquí construiremos una entrada/página en Honor de todas estas hermosas personas y valientes grupos. Porque los golpistas de "la mafia" querrán que se nos olvide. Pero no lo permitiremos. Por cada intento de silenciar una voz, habrá voces que ayuden a transmitir el mensaje silenciado.


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Stoned on the Blue Pill song


Promises so bright
Everything was new
I could be the best of who I am
Instead of making do
Though something wasn’t right
Behind the soothing words and smiles
Decided I would go along
And try it for a while

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In Defense letter by Stephanie Leon Neal

In Defense
letter by Stephanie Leon Neal
Dear Friends,
Just so you know, Rev Don was permitted to brake the serenity of the church, Rev. Phoenix was also permitted to brake the serenity of the church, both publicly smearing my name, thus, I have every right to speak agains…

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Resignation - From Bowen Barrs' Office

[Versión en Castellano, abajo] [Spanish version below]
Originally published August 21, 2023.
From Bowen Barrs' Office:
"I give my resignation notice to the Correllian Nativist Tradition and all corporate entities attached to it. I do so because the leadership broke the basic tenets a…

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Resignation - From Laurie Denman's office

[Versión en Castellano más abajo] [Spanish version below]
From Laurie Denman's office:
My resignation letter to the Correllian Nativist Church:
"Those of you who know my Pagan origin story know I investigated many religions before joining the Corr…

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Resignation - Serpent of Hermes


De-Chartering Announcement
The head of the Serpent of Hermes Temple and its Board of Directors convened on Monday, August 21 and decided that the Correllian Nativist Tradition is not a safe enviroment for their members. 
We have sent our de-chartering request to the Witan He…

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Resignation - Letter from Stephanie Leon Neal


Letter of Resignation
To The General Membership and Clergy of the Correllian Tradition;
Sending all blessings and genuine love to the members who gave freely of their gifts, treasure, and precious time to build this tradition over the years. Those leaving the …

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The Salemgate and the Oath-Breakers Directive


Eblis says:

Phoenix should apologize for his choice of words, as we have been asking since the beginning, and should resign immediately for the bad image he's casting upon our Tradition, as well as a very good distance should be placed between Ed Hubbard and CNT, for real and for good. 

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Resignation - Santuario de la Anciana Luna


[English version below]


Carta de Renuncia:
A todos los Cancilleres, miembros generales y Sacerdocios de la Tradicion Correlliana: 
Mi nombre es Jose R. G. (Irbis Guerrero en la Tradición Correlliana). Antes de nada dar las gracias infinitas de corazón a todos los …

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+100 Cartas de Renuncia / +100 Resignation Letters

[Some in English, some in Spanish]  [Algunas en Inglés, otras en Castellano]


Distintas cartas que fueron publicadas en los distintos grupos durante los meses de Agosto y Septiembre 2023:

[Different letters that were published in the different groups during the months of August and Sept…

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About the indifference of some

Konstantinos Fotiadis says:
I've seen that kind of comment quite too often for my liking and me posting this has nothing to do with my admin position, I'm expressing my own opinion as I always do. 
"I don't care who runs the Trad as long I can move on with my spiritual…

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20 blog posts