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Templo Dragón

Templo Disidente de la Tradición Nativista Correlliana, de la Religión Wicca; en el Mundo Entero

Resignation - Letter from Stephanie Leon Neal


Letter of Resignation
To The General Membership and Clergy of the Correllian Tradition;
Sending all blessings and genuine love to the members who gave freely of their gifts, treasure, and precious time to build this tradition over the years. Those leaving the Correllian Nativist tradition, know your years of dedication and hard work was not in vain, as you move to another path, strength and hope will return. Every painful moment of the past, is now transmuted to living stones with which, are in your hands and under your authority to build a unique altar to the Great Goddess and God living within each of us. This divine altar is your life.
The world has been readied to receive authentic wisdom designed to reveal the greatness within you. A partnership revealing every opportunity belongs to the pure open-hearted, where the world experiences your selfless wisdom and skills. Wicca / metaphysical individuals are continuing to rise, utilizing their gifts to help others receive the truth directly from the eternal Source of life, living in us.
The cruel posts by the Correllian Nativist Tradition’s mob of eight (according to Ed) are painful to read; essentially, this group calls anyone with a different opinion a “liar” or other harsh names, trying to discredit everyone standing up for the truth. Pushing people out of the tradition ensures they have control over the narrative. 
The first day I was appointed chancellor is when Ed informed me how the tradition really works, who is the real head of the tradition and the tradition’s purpose. Then from the beginning, Ed, Don, Phoenix, and the others set in motion plans to disrupt the tradition and “take back the chancellorship.“ Anyone that knows me, knows I am not interested in titles or power over others.     
Current members and former members have been sharing their unpleasant experiences these past few months; that they had with the top leadership. Every story Don told about these people from the past were untruths. 
Essentially, everything Don spread about them is what he did to them. 
I told them, I am not a fighter, yet do what you think is best for you, and your actions may be helpful for those who desire to make informed decisions for themselves and their families.
Highly regarded tradition members have stepped forward to speak, with clarity, concerning the statements they have seen in writings on the net and heard on videos. They have shared their wise views and what directly happened to them—asking critical legal questions as well, to no avail.
I resign from all positions within the Correllian tradition and its Board of Directors. Please remove all my teachings from the Correllian Tradition.
May truth finally wash-away confusion. I have loved serving you for almost twenty-one years and have learned so much from each of you. I have felt your love and support all these years, and it is my hope that you felt my love and support for you as well.
You have always been courageous and mindful throughout this sad time, all the while protecting your friends at every turn.
A fond farewell to each of you for now.
In Service to the Goddess and God,
Stephanie Leon Neal~
saneal @ earthlink . net

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