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Templo Dragón

Templo Disidente de la Tradición Nativista Correlliana, de la Religión Wicca; en el Mundo Entero

Resignation - Serpent of Hermes


De-Chartering Announcement
The head of the Serpent of Hermes Temple and its Board of Directors convened on Monday, August 21 and decided that the Correllian Nativist Tradition is not a safe enviroment for their members. 
We have sent our de-chartering request to the Witan Herald and we want to officially state it in this public group. 
Ever since the first e-mails came out, our Head, Lord Konstantinos, kept asking questions in the Witan Council group. He requested the Witan Council meeting and many other heads supported the idea but they were only granted the request after Lady Stephanie's defence post.
During the 3-and-a-half-week period of this termoil, we witnessed blunt hypocricy, manipulation and gaslighting from the First Priesthood and its minions. 
Questions are still not answered and there is evidence for many illegal actions taken with every decision taken. We see a great conflict of interest by the newly-created company of Correllian Church by Ed Hubbard and the lack of real action by the First Priesthood confirms how Ed's threats take form. 
Our Correllian members are still recognised by the Serpent of Hermes and for that we will not proceed to any resignation as there are dedicants completing their studies and they may want to apply for a degree, so Lord Konstantinos and Lady Thalia will keep their status as mentors and Third Degrees to complete any necessary paperwork and applications. 
Once this is done, they will send their resignation letters as well. 
We, as Temple heads, are requested to protect and serve our congregation first. We tried being reasonable, we tried to talk it out and find a solution but what we actually get back is "like it or leave it". 
We were even underestimated of our judgement because we supported Lady Laurie's resignation letter just because she visited us here and we got "supper close". Again, we are not that easily manipulated. We examined all evidence that came to us, we heard every story anyone had to offer, we asked the questions, we co-signed the petition of Lord Eblis and did anything to prevent this. 
What we really got back is happy photos of people from another world, elavation in Seats of Power of people that are in both CC and CNC. An army or a gang or a familia coming together. That was the tipping point. 
Through our almost 6 years as a Correllian body, and 17 years of our Head as a Correllian, we proceeded with over 20 dedication rituals, over 15 new members in the Inner Court and we believed in the Correlliasm so much that we moved on to establish a centre for all Pagans and Wiccans in Greece to feel welcome as it's in the ideals of it but now we are seen as part of a cult. 
We totally support the statement from Lady Laurie's resignation letter too:
Well known signs you are in an organization that is a cult are as follows:
1. Opposing critical thinking – Anyone asking for proof of Stephanie’s wrongdoing or challenging how people are being mistreated are attacked by leadership in public forums.
2. Isolating members and penalizing them for leaving – It’s the temples/shrines/ and Orders that build this organization.  Those who leave are vilified in public forums and lose years of investment of time, talent, treasure when they leave to uphold their honor and mental health.
3. Emphasizing special doctrines outside scripture. – The use of lifetime Imperiums is not documented anywhere in our Bylaws but that was the weapon used to remove Stephanie.
4. Seeing inappropriate loyalty to their leaders – Correllians are expected to follow any directives given by our leadership, without question.  Those that question, get attacked.
5. Dishonoring the family unit – purposefully blowing up the Tradition a month before Parliament dishonored us all
6. Children are groomed to not question leadership – both Phoenix and Alyssa have told me that they are getting advice to follow that their guts are telling them is wrong, but they are following it anyway.  First rule of being psychically aware is that you always follow your gut.
7. Lack of financial transparency – Don has not provided the three years of financial statements as legally requested by multiple CNC board members.  Since he as the only signer on the accounts there is no other legal alternatives except serving subpoena.
8. Members attacked by leadership – as we have seen day in and day out from leadership and other board members since the 7/13 Don Lewis hate broadcasts began.
The Tradition is not its Leadership though and for all the members that we met, that we interacted and shared common views or not, we will be happy to stay in contact. 
If you want to stay in contact too, feel free to be in touch any time. 
Blessed be, 
Serpent of Hermes
Please follow our Brothers & Sisters' investigations and analysis, here:
They have been doing an amazing job since all this started, a voice of reason, analysis, fairness. 

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